Hymns for

1 Corinthians 2:1-16


Baptist Hymnal (BH)
Chalice Hymnal (CH)
Collegeville Hymnal (CO)
Common Praise (CP)
Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW)
Gather Comprehensive (GC)
JourneySongs (JS)
Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW)
Lutheran Service Book (LSB)
Lutheran Worship (LW)

Presbyterian Hymnal (PH)
The Faith We Sing (TFWS)
The Hymnal 1982 (TH)
The New Century Hymnal (TNCH)
United Methodist Hymnal (UMH)
Voices United (VU)
With One Voice (WOV)
Wonder Love and Praise (WLP)
Worship & Rejoice (WR)


All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (BH #200-202; CH #91-92; CO #521; CP #321-322; ELW #634; GC #484; JS #463; LBW #328, 329; LSB #549; LW #272; PH #142-143; TH #450-451; TNCH #304; UMH #154-155; VU #334; WR #100, 106)

Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word (LBW #248; LSB #904; LW #202; PH #454; TH #440; TNCH #74; UMH #596; VU #500)

Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (BH #356; CH #275; CO #485; CP #300; ELW #645; GC #662; JS #409; LBW #367; LSB #909; PH #416, 417; TH #518; TNCH #400; UMH #559; VU #325; WOV #747)


Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know (UMH #163)

At the Name of Jesus (BH #198; CO #538; CP #375; ELW #416; JS #371; LBW #179; LSB #512; LW #178, PH #148; TH #435; UMH #168; VU #335; WR #321)

Blessed Quietness (CH #267; TFWS #2142; TNCH #284)

Blessing and Honor and Glory and Power (ELW #433; LBW #525; PH #147)

Breathe on Me, Breath of God (BH #241; CH #254; CO #497; CP #649; GC #800; LBW #488; PH #316; TH #508; TNCH #292; UMH #420; VU #382; WR #461)

Also known as O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God

Holy Spirit, Come (CO #304; ELW #406; LW #167; TNCH #264; UMH #331; WOV #686)

I Sing the Almighty Power of God (BH #42; CO #565; JS #467; PH #288; TH #398; TNCH #12; UMH #152; VU #231; WR #31)

Let it Breathe on Me (CH #260; TNCH #288; UMH #503)

O Breath of Life (CH #250; UMH #543; VU #202; WR #328)


Christ for the World We Sing (TH #537; UMH #568; WR #561)

O for a Closer Walk with God (CO #478; CP #556; PH #396, 397 TH #683, 684; TNCH #450)

Also known as O for a Closer Bond with God

Of All the Spirit’s Gifts to Me (BH #442; CH #270; UMH #336; WR #401)

Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart (BH #245; CH #265; ELW #800; LBW #486; PH #326; TNCH #290; UMH #500; VU #378, 877; WR #132)

The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve (ELW #551; TFWS #2241; WOV #723)

Copyright 2010, Richard Niell Donovan