Children’s Sermon

Luke 1:26-38

The Annunciation

By Dr. Dan Wuori

I have an announcement to make!

But before I do, let me ask you about that word. What is an announcement? (Solicit children’s answers.)

That’s right – an announcement is a special kind of message, usually one letting us know that something important is going to happen. You might have received certain kinds of announcements in the mail. Sometimes when people graduate or changing jobs they send out announcements. The leaders of our government make announcements on TV or in the newspaper. Your parents probably make announcements at home – like announcing when dinner is ready or when it’s time to take a bath.

Today’s gospel lesson contains a special announcement. In fact, it’s such a special announcement that we even call it that: It is the story of “the annunciation.” In this reading, the Angel Gabriel appears to a young woman named Mary and he announces that she is going to have a baby – and not just any baby – he tells Mary that her baby will be the Son of God. Mary is to be Jesus’ mother.

That’s quite an announcement! And it fits nicely with my own announcement, which is that we’ve reached the fourth Sunday of Advent – the month during which we prepare, like Mary, for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. And at last the time has come. We have only a few more days to wait.

Are you ready? Me too.

Let’s pray.

Dear God,
Christmas is almost here. Fill our hearts with your love as we wait for the coming of your son, Jesus.


Copyright 2008, Dan Wuori. Used by permission.