Children’s Sermon

Isaiah 65:17-25

Be Happy

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Isaiah 65:17-25

Be Happy

By Lois Parker Edstrom

Images of Eeyore suitable for coloring found at:

What makes you happy? Let’s hear some of your ideas. (Encourage children to participate in this portion of the lesson.)

That was kind of a trick question. Yes, certain things make us happy, but when you think about it, you make yourself happy. You have a choice to live your life as a happy person or a grumpy person. You can choose to look on the bright side of your experiences or the dark side.

For sure certain things will happen that cause sadness and it’s okay to feel that sadness, but we don’t want to be like Winnie-the-Pooh’s friend, Eeyore who always feels something bad is about to happen. (Show image of Eeyore or distribute pages to color.)

We all have a responsibility to be kind and fair, but we also have a responsibility to be happy. Why do you think this is true?

When we are happy we encourage those around us to feel happy. Don’t you love to spend time with a happy person? Such fun!

The Bible teaches us to be “glad and rejoice forever” in what God has created (65:18). The word “rejoice” means to celebrate. Do you think we can find, within ourselves, a way to celebrate each and every day?

God has given us a world filled with beauty and love. Do something good for your friends, family, and others you may meet. Choose to be happy!

Scripture quotations from the World English Bible

Copyright 2014, Richard Niell Donovan