Children’s Sermon

Luke 2: 22-40

A Special Baby

By Dr. Dan Wuori

Have you ever held a baby?

You have to be very careful, don’t you – because babies are so tiny and fragile? But holding one is such a special thing. And every time I hold a baby – especially a very small, newborn one – I’m always amazed by their beautiful eyes, and their soft hair and their tiny fingers and toes.

It’s kind of funny sometimes when tiny babies are brought into a group. People wait turns just to hold them – and often they talk about things they notice just from looking at them. Often you’ll hear people say that babies look a lot like their moms and dads – or their brothers and sisters.

We just celebrated Christmas, Jesus’ birth. At the time he was born there was a custom that after several weeks mothers and fathers would bring their babies to the temple (their church) to be presented. This week’s Gospel lesson tells that story. Mary and Joseph bring baby Jesus to the temple and while they’re there they meet an old man named Simeon.

And when Simeon holds Jesus he notices something too! Now you should know that Simeon has had a vision from the Holy Spirit – who told him that he would not die before he had met the Messiah – God’s Son.

Can you guess what he notices about Jesus? That’s right. Simeon holds Jesus and he realizes that his vision has come true. He tells God that he’s now ready to come to heaven, because he has met the Son of God, just as he’d been promised. Jesus was a special baby who would go on to do great things.

And Simeon noticed right from the beginning. Let’s pray.

Dear God,

Thank you for sending your son Jesus to Earth as a child.
Help and guide us as we follow his path during the year ahead.

Copyright 2008, Dan Wuori. Used by permission.