Children’s Sermon

1Timothy 2:1-7

Learning to be Peaceful

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1Timothy 2:1-7

Learning to be Peaceful

By Lois Parker Edstrom

The Bible teaches us that we should pray and give thanks “… for all men: for kings and all who are in high places…” (2:1).

We understand why we would pray and give thanks for our parents and other family members, our friends, teachers, doctors, and the leaders of our country. We are thankful for their care. We want the best for them and we ask that God would give them wisdom to do their work in the best possible way.

It is difficult, however, to understand how to pray for those who hurt us. We know there are evil people who do evil things. We don’t give thanks for the evil things they do, but we can pray that they will accept God’s love and turn their lives around for the better.

Why would we do this? The Bible teaches us that we do this so that “we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and reverence” (2:2). When we pray for others we learn about respect. We understand that “there is one God” (2:5) and that God is in charge. We learn about how to be peaceful.

Deer come into my fields and after they have had enough to eat, they lie down to rest. I wish you could see them. They are very quiet and still. They look so peaceful.

There is much wisdom in the Bible. One of the reasons we pray for everyone, including ourselves, is that we learn about respect and we learn about having a peaceful life.

Find time to be quiet and still. Think about God’s love and how good it feels to be peaceful.

Scripture quotations from the World English Bible

Copyright 2013, Richard Niell Donovan